Monday, March 11, 2013

Hemp Seed Oil Facts and Benefits

The Cannabis plant is a natural source of amino acids, and even contains a good amount of vitamin E. It's also a natural antioxidant, so right off the bat, it's good for your skin. It's also got a quality not many plants can boast: it's oil doesn't stick to your skin. This plant's rich in omega 3, 6, and 9 oils that make it a great way to naturally moisturize your skin without clogging your pores. The oil contains calcium and potassium as well, adding to the long list of things that make it great for your skin.

How it Helps your Skin's Health and Appearance

Hemp oil and hemp seed oil contain agents that give it anti-inflammatory properties, as well as it's natural antioxidant properties. This makes the oil not only help clean and detoxify your skin, it also evens out your skin tone. Hemp and hemp seed oil are used quite often in cosmetics to make products that remedy skin blotches and legions that commonly occur from excessive dry skin. Because it's oil doesn't stick to your skin and clog your pores like many other oils can do, it's a great way to safely moisturize your skin without leaving a greasy residue. Hemp Oil is also a great natural way to safely brave the sun's rays, and is found in many popular sunblocks.

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